Thursday, February 28, 2008

Scott the Nametag Guy on how marketing is changing

Last month, I shared some thoughts on how marketing is changing. Today, Scott the Nametag Guy gives his take. A sample:

SHTICK is no longer enough. The word shtick is defined as “A characteristic attribute, talent, gimmick or trait that is helpful in securing recognition or attention.” The challenge is, shtick won’t sustain you. Sure, shtick is catchy and cool and clever and fun and different; but it’s not enough.

REMEMBER: Shtick might get you in the door, but only substance will keep you in the room.
Good stuff, and worth a visit.

1 comment:

hellomynameisscott said...


Loved your additional comments. I need to quote you on those bad boys!

Thanks for the link love.

Rock on