Friday, December 28, 2007

Canididates buying up Iowa TV inventory, but gambling on new media to cut costs

Advertising Age reports on the presidential hopefuls buying TV space at "unprecedented levels." Unless Bayh latches on to someone as a #2, it's very unlikely that we'll see this level of activity in Indiana. But with all the talk of how new media is changing campaigns, TV is still getting the lion's share of the budget.

Still, the campaigns are getting smarter about extending their spots beyond TV. The Wall Street Journal reports on the limited buys made by campaigns running negative spots, gambling that the news media and viewers will take them viral:

Thousands of people saw or heard part of a recent advertisement that criticized Hillary Clinton for not standing up to Republican attacks. The total ad buy: $2,500...

“We just sent out a press release and lots of people called us,” said Glenn Hurowitz, the president of Democratic Courage, which ran the spot. “It was pretty easy.” By the time Hurowitz and his group decided to put it on cable channels, they didn’t need to spend much.

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